The Donnell Family...Life Chronicled for Paige, Drew and soon to be Gage Donnell

Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's Going to be One of those Days...

So I got all excited because I finally remembered to get the camera cord out of drew's computer bag so I could upload photos, BUT now... I forgot the camera. Damnit. So you'll just have to wait until tomorrow to see those photos I promised. Oh well.

Last night was lame... Drew is sick (even though he thinks he isn't - he had 101 fever) and I'm doubled over in pain, so we ate grilled cheeses. I think he has the swine flu and he thinks he can go to work today. whatever....

Anyways, so I was watching the news last night and I am so happy that today is political day because I have a few things I need to get off my chest. So, apparently our president asked for budget cuts to be made -- $100 million to be exact. Well his ridiculously smart and savvy cabinet said they can do better than $100 million -- so they cut out $102 million. Look at what cost savings they did and your jaw will drop. This is such common sense I don't know why on earth we vote on anyone to do anything -- what a bunch of idiots!!! The wall street journal had these things as budget cuts...

  • The Justice Department is printing on both sides of paper, saving an estimated $573,000 through fiscal 2010.
  • Homeland Security will email documents more often, instead of printing them, saving $318,000.

  • Homeland Security will also drop subscriptions and start getting news free online, saving $47,160.
  • The Forest Service will stop painting white vehicles green as soon as it gets them.
  • The Navy will delete unused email accounts to save $5 million.
  • FEMA will start reusing or selling old trailers, rather than dumping them, saving $3.8 million.
OH MY GOSH -- seriously, how many subscriptions does Homeland Security need. And what all are they reading anyways??? Can't they get a free subscription -- I get them all the time at work... Companies make exceptions and I'm pretty sure the White House is an exception. And why do we need to repaint white vehicles green? I don't think that's a priority... And this is just the start.... I heard on the radio the other day that Congress men and women were going to start booking travel online through Expedia and stuff instead of going through a travel agency. DUH... i swear, I don't even know why we bother voting on these stupid people. and if this crap doesn't make you mad you've got something wrong with you. If these are just some of the things, imagine what else they are wasting our money on. UGH!

Now what I do like is the fact that the president is having the Harvard Professor and the Cambridge cop at his house tonight for a beer -- you know, to bury the hatchet... And apparently people are upset over the chosen beers that they will be drinking tonight -- They chose, Bud Light, Blue Moon and Red Stripe. And while that might offend some people, those choices would motivate me to go to the white house. I like all of those, a lot!

Ok, so I'm out, but I thought I'd leave everyone with one final quote for the day... Leave your comments below if anyone can figure it out!

Ninety eight percent of the adults in this country are decent, hardworking, honest Americans. It's the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then, we elected them.
Lily Tomlin

1 comment:

  1. Okay...I'm sorry, but why the HELL is it news what kind of beer they're going to be drinking? Who reports this stuff? This is what's really wrong with our country!
    No offense Paige, your blog rocks. I'm referring to the fact that actual news outlets like ABC have time to report on this stuff. And I like those beers too. Except Bud Light, yech.
